This week's topic is Top Ten Books on My Spring 2014 TBR List! I've got so many books on my TBR list, it's hard to narrow it down to just ten!

2. Authority by Jeff VanderMeer: The second of VanderMeer's Southern Reach trilogy, the first book of which I just reviewed. This book comes out in May!
3. Enders by Lissa Price: I read Starters way back in 2012 (I have to admit that I picked it up based solely on its cover, which is way cooler in person, all textured and sparkly), and the sequel got a bit delayed and just fell off my radar, but it looks like it's out now! I'll have to reread the first book before starting Enders.

5. Fiend by Peter Stenson: I overheard a coworker talking about this book last week, and I had to look it up. A zombie novel from the point-of-view of a meth addict? Dying to read it.
6. Sleep Donation by Karen Russell: I haven't read Swamplandia, but this book has been getting lots of good buzz, about an insomnia epidemic. This comes out March 25.
7. Wild Fell by Michael Rowe: This ghost story sounded like it would be right up my alley, so I look forward to finding a dark and stormy night to snuggle up under a blanket with this one. Too bad real stormy nights are such a rarity in Austin!

9. The Who FAQ by Mike Segretto: A book on my favorite band by the man behind the excellent PsychoBabble, a blog about retro rock and classic horror. I'm looking forward to reading this when it comes out in May!
10. Drinking with Men: A Memoir by Rosie Schaap: Another one that I just had to buy and then let sit on my shelf for a shamefully long time. I'm still pretty new to Austin, and this book feels like it could be an accessory to my nostalgia about nights out at bars with old friends in previous cities. Maybe I'll be inspired to seek out a new hangout.
Reconstructing Amelia is so good - you should really try to get to it soon! I want to read everything on this list - it all looks so good!